28th Scandinavian Capoeira Meeting

May 1-4, 2025 in DGI-Byen, Copenhagen

Welcome to the 28th Scandinavian Capoeira Meeting, the biggest celebration of capoeira in Denmark in 2025.

It is a great pleasure to welcome "Movimento Dandara", a unique movement founded in collaboration between 7 of the world's most respected female Capoeira Mestras.

The 7 pioneers and power houses are representatives of 4 different Capoeira groups, and we are very proud to host their beautiful and important initiative, for the first time in Europe.

Movimento Dandara is actively working to break down barriers in Capoeira and society at large with a focus on gender roles, equality and empowerment. With their perspective, teaching, lectures and debates, it will be incredibly exciting to celebrate the magic of Capoeira, universal cohesion across gender, age, religion and social standing.

The event takes place in
DGI-byen, Tietgensgade 65, Copenhagen

Movimento Dandara Viva Capoeira

Dandara was a black warrior in the colonial period of Brazil. She grew up in Quilombo dos Palmares, one of the biggest autonomous cities of that time, built by runaway slaves. She worked in the fields and as a hunter and was known as a skilled capoeirista.

Dandara and her husband Zumbi were both fearless leaders, who fought against slavery and died defending their city, Quilombo do Palmares, when it eventually fell in the hands of the Portuguese colonists after 150 years of resistance.

Dandara is an example for all who fights for equality and believes in their dreams of freedom. Our collective of 7 female masters extends beyond group logos and nationality, and we want to bring awareness to possible cultural barriers that prevent equality in capoeira, using gender issues as an indicator to discuss visibility, empowerment and the relationships between men and women.

We are here to celebrate capoeira in the search for equality, diversity and inclusion.


Mestra Tida
Mestra Tida
Grupo Senzala
Mestra Baixinha
Mestra Baixinha
Grupo Capoeira Brasil
Mestra Ana Sabiá
Mestra Ana Sabiá
Grupo Senzala
Mestra Magali
Mestra Magali
Grupo Capoeira Brasil
Mestra Tati
Mestra Tati
Grupo Luanda
 Mestra Sabrina
Mestra Sabrina
Grupo Beribazu
Mestra Francesinha
Mestra Francesinha
Capoeira Rucungo Group

Batizado & Troca de Corda

On Saturday, students are celebrated with this year's capoeira party.

During the batizado, the school's newest students will receive their capoeira baptism as they play with a champion or high-level graduate for the first time with the entire invited capoeira community, family and friends as witnesses. The more advanced students will be awarded new belts on merit.

Guest tickets can be purchased at the registration desk at the school and in DGI-Byen during the event and cost DKK 80 for adults and DKK 60 for children (4+ years).


Registration for the event takes place at the daily training sessions in the 14 days leading up to the capoeira event. Cash payment at registration, where you will receive a wristband that must be worn throughout the event.

Adults & Teen 950 DKK
Seniors (65+) 900 DKK
Children, 7-10 years 900 DKK
Children, 4-6 years 850 DKK
Parent/child 1.200 DKK

For participants from abroad, the price is EUR 120.
The price includes a Batizado T-shirt for all participants in the event.


Thursday, May 1
Adults & Teen
17:00 - 19:00 Meet-and-greet with the mestras
19:00 - 20:00 Communal dinner
Location: Capoeiraskolen Senzala, Frederiksberg
Friday, May 2
Adults & Teen
17:00 - 18:00 Capoeira
18:00 - 19:00 Capoeira
19:00 - 21:00 Rodas
Seniors (65+)
18:00 - 19:00 Capoeira
19:00 - 21:00 Rodas
Children 7-10 years
17:00 - 18:00 Capoeira
18:00 - 19:00 Capoeira
19:00 - 21:00 Rodas
Children 4-6 years & parent/child
17:00 - 17:45 Capoeira
Saturday, May 3
09:30 - 10:00 Distribution of t-shirts
10:00 - 13:00 Batizado & Troca de Corda
14:00 - 15:30 Lecture "Movimento Dandara"
Adults & Teen
15:30 - 17:00 Capoeira
17:00 - 18:30 Capoeira
18:30 - 20:00 Rodas
Seniors (65+)
15:30 - 16:30 Capoeira
Children 7-10 years
14:30 - 15:30 Capoeira
16:00 - 17:00 Capoeira
18:30 - 20:00 Rodas
Children 4-6 years & parent/child
14:00 - 14:45 Capoeira
Sunday, May 4
Adults & Teen
11:00 - 12:30 Capoeira
12:30 - 13:30 Capoeira
13:30 - 15:30 Rodas
Seniors (65+)
12:30 - 13:30 Capoeira
13:30 - 15:30 Rodas
Children 7-10 years
12:30 - 13:30 Capoeira
13:30 - 15:30 Rodas
Children 4-6 years & parent/child
12:30 - 13:15 Capoeira
13:30 - 15:30 Rodas

Capoeira After-Party


Confirmed guests

Mestre Toni Vargas Mestre Toni Vargas
Mestre Ramos Mestre Ramos
Mestre Rui Mestre Rui
Mestre Espiga Mestre Espiga
Mestre Camarão Mestre Camarão
Contra-mestra Orlane Contra-mestra Orlane
Contra-mestra Vida Contra-mestra Vida
Contra-mestre Raio Contra-mestre Raio
Contra-mestre Dourado Contra-mestre Dourado
Contra-mestre Farol Contra-mestre Farol
Contra-mestre Fragil Contra-mestre Fragil


It is possible to stay overnight in our premises located

Capoeiraskolen Senzala Bernhard Bangs Allé 21 2000 Frederiksberg

The premises have showers and are close to public transport, with about 15 minutes travelling time to DGI-Byen. Price 20 EUR per person for the 3 nights during the event.

Please contact Professor Julius julius@senzala.dk for more information/booking.


Professor Isak
Professor Isak
26 81 91 00
Instrutor Chocolate
Instrutor Chocolate
40 74 79 79

Thank you

An event of this size cannot be organised without a lot of help.

A big thank you to Thomas Hess for his help with the website and Rasmus Sørensen for the great layout of the Batizado t-shirt, wristband and poster.

To Asta Møller for enrolling and selling clothes, and to Lykke Rødtnes for her hard work making the many belts.

To Peter Rasmussen for setting up the fantastic lighting for the shows, to Søs Bergmann for making sure the masters and helpers get food and drink - and to all of you who help out along the way, in big and small ways.

Salve Mestre Peixinho

1947 - 2011